Monday, February 9, 2009


Here are the hearts I cut out and decorated. I used a decoration pack to help me out with the decoration. I also used a decorative hole puncher to make the paper lace. The hearts turned out really nice and Carsyn and David thought that they were really nice. On the border of the entry to the living room I made a heart border. All in all the decorations turned out rather nicely and took a while to cut out all the hearts. For those who are in Poland, I got the decoration packs at Auchan and they are called "Crystaline" brand.

A Look At Past Creations

David set this up for me so that I can share my "wonderful talent" as David calls it. I enjoy what I do to spruce up the home. Some inspirations I would say have come from Martha Stewart. I made the Pecan Pie from scratch using Pecans from Tesco. (For all you Polish people) The Decoration ideas for Christmas were my own creation. Halloween was fun and I used tea to dye the cheese cloth that I wrapped David in. I made him wear long johns so that I could attach the cheese cloth to it.